LinkedIn Job Search Hacks

With over 61 million people using LinkedIn to search for jobs each week, LinkedIn is THE main hub for all things job searching and careers.

Along with creating an engaging LinkedIn profile that gets you noticed, there are a host of other premium and secret features that help job seekers standout. Today we’ll learn how you can make LinkedIn work for you with these secret hacks.

Add Your Resume to Your LinkedIn Profile 

You might be wondering, why add your resume to LinkedIn if LinkedIn is supposed to already showcase your qualifications? LinkedIn gives a snapshot of your experience but it doesn’t tell the full story that recruiters need to see when searching candidate profiles.

Adding your resume as visible to recruiters is a helpful hack that allows all of the content from your resume to be searchable by recruiters. This way, recruiters can learn more about you without you crowding your profile with additional information.

To add your resume follow these steps:

  • Click on the “Me” icon to the upper right of your screen.

  • Navigate to “Settings & Privacy” > “Data Privacy” > “Job Application Settings”

  • Toggle on “Save uploaded resumes and answers to application questions” and “Share your resume data with recruiters”

The resumes that you have saved in this section will be searchable and viewable by recruiters when they view profiles.

Stand Out to Companies

Following company pages, liking company posts, and engaging with their content will make you stand out to them. Following the company also allows you to see posts by the company and employees and can be an easy way to network or share your resume directly with a future colleague.

💡 For Premium users: LinkedIn recently added a new feature called “Top Choice” when job seekers apply to jobs using LinkedIn. Job seekers can designate 3 positions as their “Top Choice” each month and include a message describing why, allowing job seekers to express their passion for a role. Job posters (recruiters & hiring managers) will be able to view candidates who have expressed they are truly passionate about working for the company.

Find and reach out to the hiring manager from the job posting

Finding and reaching out directly to the hiring manager shows initiative and helps you standout from other applicants. You can find the hiring manager or recruiter on the job posting. Go even further and send them an email to show your interest. Premium users can message hiring managers for free.

If it’s not clear who the hiring manager is on the role, LinkedIn Premium users can do further research by searching for employees on the company LinkedIn page and filtering employees by their department.

Engage with Companies

You can get on a shortlist by notifying companies you’re interested in by using the “I’m Interested” feature on their About page.

Get creative and make a post that discusses your skillset and what roles you’re open to. Tag companies that you’ve applied to and highlight why you’re a fit for the company and role. Social media can be a powerful tool to leverage during your job search.


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