[VIDEO] How to Use ChatGPT to Prepare for Job Interviews + Prompts

Job interviews are stressful - and they take a lot of energy! You’re probably figuring out what to wear, researching your interviewers, and anticipating questions the interviewer will ask. 

All of this preparation takes a lot of time and work. Consider using ChatGPT to help you with interview question preparation with this How To video and additional prompts below.

Tips for using ChatGPT for Interview Prep

  1. Provide Resources:

    Give ChatGPT context by providing resources like a job description or company description. This allows it to tailor feedback to your position specifically. 

  2. Be Very Specific with Prompts: 

    A chatbot is helpful but only as helpful as you make it. Give it clear prompts and instructions. If you’re still not getting your intended result, you can further update prompts until you do.

  3. Fact Check Everything: 

    ChatGPT is smart but no replacement for a human. Make sure you read over everything it produces to ensure it makes sense for your field and interview.

Use These Prompts to Customize Interview Questions

  1. What are 10 questions I should be asked for a job interview for [ROLE] at [COMPANY] and what skills should I highlight in my responses? Use this job description for reference [INSERT JOB DESCRIPTION]

  2. Using these 10 questions, revise the difficulty of the questions for the job at the [INTERN, VP, LEADERSHIP, MANAGER] level.

  3. What are 5 questions I would be asked for a job interview by a [CEO, DIRECT MANAGER, INSERT INTERVIEWER JOB] for [ROLE] at [COMPANY] and what skills should I highlight in my responses? Use this job description for reference [INSERT JOB DESCRIPTION]

Now it’s time for you to ace that interview!


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