Free Resources for Your Job Search

If you’re like me, nothing is as exciting as the word FREE alongside something that you need. Free resources are especially important when it comes to job seekers, who might be in a pinch for money while navigating a tough job market. Check out these free resources for job seekers:

Your Local Library 📖

Growing up, I loved going to my local library (nerd alert 🤓). As an adult, I’ve realized that libraries have gotten a MAJOR upgrade.

There are job services like resume workshops and tech resources like laptops for rent, printers, and even conference rooms to book should you need a quiet space with reliable wifi for your interviews. Libraries are also one of the few public spaces that you can exist without having to spend money. My recent visit to the Brooklyn Central Library had me falling in love with libraries again.

Tech Tools like ChatGPT 🤖

Dozens of tech tools exist that can increase the productivity of your job search, whether they are organizational, job tracking or well being tools. Even tech like ChatGPT can help job seekers with interview preparation. Check out this video on How to Use ChatGPT for Interview Preparation.

Content Creators 🖋️

I’m sure you can’t go 1 minute scrolling throughout LinkedIn before finding a post by content creators (myself included 😅), but you can use this to your advantage. LinkedIn, TikTok, and social media platforms have allowed for easy access and most importantly current information for job seekers.

Identify the problem you’re having with your job search and utilize the expertise of professional content creators to solve it. You can use LinkedIn to search Top Voices - there’s some incredible information out there. Can’t find what you need? Drop a question in Ask A Recruiter and I’ll happily answer it!


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Caring for Yourself and Your Mental Health During a Job Search